Stefanie L. Boyer

Stefanie Boyer

Dr. Stefanie Boyer, Professor of Marketing at Bryant University, is the Co-Founder of RNMKRS, a virtual platform for training and assessing sales talent. She is Executive Director of the Northeast Intercollegiate Sales Competition, linking organizations with top talent, and is the recipient of the prestigious American Marketing Association Sales Educator of the Year Award. Stefanie coauthored The Little Black Book of Social Media, Strategies to Ignite Your Business, Influencer, and Professional Brand. She brings unique and valuable experience to the classroom and to organizations that want to build their client base.

Since 2003, Dr. Boyer has held various roles in training and developing sales professionals working in sales and preparing to go into sales. Her expertise leverages self-directed learning philosophies to help organizations get more out of their training resources. What does that mean? Your team will learn more effectively and efficiently and you will see an improvement in performance when you use this approach. Dr. Boyer uses an adaptability approach to training teams to shorten their decision making cycle and capitalize on revenue opportunities.

Dr. Boyer created a sales movement at Bryant University with a sales minor, various sales competitions and events, a vibrant sales team and mentorship programs. She strives to bring together the brightest sales students and leading sales organizations in the northeast and expanding around the country for networking, recruiting, competition and skill-building.

Dr. Boyer has won several teaching, innovation, research and service awards over the years in the sales field.

You can find more information about her research and the training she does in the following outlets: Wall Street Journal, Sales Education Foundation Annual Magazine, Journal of Business Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Selling, International Journal of Education, Journal of Marketing Analytics, Journal of Self-Directed Learning, Marketing Management Journal, Journal of Marketing Channels, Journal of Business to Business Marketing, Journal of Managerial Issues, Journal of Marketing Education, Journal for Advancement of Marketing Education, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, International Journal of Sales, Marketing and Retailing, and the Journal of Research and Interactive Marketing, among others. B.A., M.B.A., Ph.D. University of South Florida.

View her publications on Research Gate here:

Stefanie L. Boyer on ResearchGate

Ph D, University of South Florida