Faculty Profile - ML Tlachac - 460x460

ML Tlachac

ML Tlachac is an Assistant Professor in the Information Systems and Analytics Department and Faculty Fellow of the Center for Health and Behavioral Sciences at Bryant University. An ACUE certified instructor, Tlachac teaches data science courses such as data mining and natural language processing. Receiving a Data Science Ph.D. from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Spring 2022, Tlachac’s dissertation research focused on mental health screening with smartphone text logs. Among other research directions, Tlachac is continuing to conduct research at the intersection of mobile health, human-computer interaction, machine learning, and mental health. Tlachac’s research has been published in venues such as IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI), IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (TAC), and ACM Proceedings on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT). Tlachac enjoys mentoring student researchers, writing, solving puzzles, and walking with dog Bumper.

Ph D, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

MS, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

BS, University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire